Friday 5 November 2010

my previous lovely school..

miss u so much..


live needs sacrifice,
sacrifice needs fight,
fight needs courage,
courage needs confidence,
confidence determines success,
success lead us to happiness....
my memory with  my best friends
my life in uiam,pj
find me, which one?

Monday 1 November 2010

my cutest little angel

look at pretty even though she did not smile..huhuhu miss u girl.

patient n passion in learning

its very long time since i update my blog.huhu..finally sem 2 in uiam had came.just english class had already started. the truth i am not sincere enter english class. i dont know why? maybe i am the repeater. hah so shameful. why i cannot exit the stage? i keep ask this question. plus my final result 4 exams , very very bad. why could i gained something like others. first i was depressed with those result. but damai hanifa said we must husnuzonn with our creator,ALLAH S.W.T. i istigfar. hmm. i thought properly. yes. that was my fault cuz i did not study really hard like other. i did many sinful things. did not listen to my parents,sister. i can do it better actually.its just me that dont want to do it much better. now i realize. ALLAH wants me to appreciate what i have. don't despair girl. i believe in future i will get what i had leaved behind. i became really lazy since i did not get 9A'S in pmr. i just got 8A'S. i felt the greatest disappointed ever in my life. started from that point i dislike study n exam. it hurt me so much. i felt how stupid that time. really not matured . i want to change now.lets doa for me.i can do it. no matter what happens i will stand up again to fight this world. examination determine smart people. remember!!! i dont want to study  cuz of exams only. the words from my ustazah" belajar kerana ALLAH dan untuk memajukan agama islam yg tercinta. until now. see u next time

Monday 13 September 2010

be myself

alhamdulillah, after reading a blog of someone,i decided to create my own blog . why?

1.want to share my
   thoughts n experiences
2.improve my English
3.start new hobby
4.prevent me from overload boring

oklah. dah penat ak tulis dalam bahasa omputih nih.sejak masukk uiam baru ak rase bahase inggeris nih penting walaupon dalam klas english miss khairiah n miss neesa ak cakap melayu dialek kelantan plop tuh. aduhai.. maklumlh kawan2 baik ak semo ore klate. diejah , amy, hanis. bakal2 doktor n dentist beb, jangan main.sebenarnya ak hanya nk luahkn ap yg terbuku dlm hati ak je. mungkin post ak ni akan gembirakn kawan2 ak yg akn ke mesir nanti. izzati,nabilah,fathihah. moga2 mereka diberi kekuatan jiwa n mental .bukan senang nk berjauhan dngn family ni. ak dh merasa . duk uia pon,, dah berapa kali nangis. tp senyap2 laa. malu kat roomates weh nk melaung2 macam baby. tujuan kt belajar...dalam erti kate lain menuntut ilmu.. kern ALLAH . yg kedua menegakkan islam. seterusnya baru untuk cita2 kt. masih tergniang2 lagi kata2 ustazah hasnin. ustazah b. arab ku di bumi maahad muhammadi (p). sebenarnya ak nak study chemistry nihh. tapi terbantut krn membaca blog anak kawan ayah ak. very interesting.terburai isi perut ku saat membacanya. he is the special typewrite..  opss..ha..ha aku berjanji dengan diri sendiri saat ni ak nak study hard n smart. ak x berjaya dalam spm. kantoi. cita2 nk buat medic kt mesir hancur. tinggal kenangan . walaupon ad orang nk sponsor tp ayah ak, op ahmad thani tak bagi. mungkin sebab ak perempuan n manja.  bersyukur ALLAH tak hantar ak terbang jauh2.. sape2 rapat ngn ak tahu laa sapo sebenarnya ak. walaupon kakak kesyangan ak yg brutal tu ad a stones throw away kt UM tu tp ak biase laa..
berjihad untuk menuntut ilmu besar pahalanya .berkorban . mari kita singkap sejarah iman as-syafie. beliau seorang yang miskin sanggup berkorban ape jua untuk mencari setitik ilmu. mengembara jauh semata2 kerana ilmu itu. i always pray that i will be like him he had the encouragement to do so . really impressive . till now dear. see u again . the silberberg waiting for me. pity him , my dear lover.ok. wassalam